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Study abroad guides for parents

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That’s a great decision, and of course, very important. We understand that studying abroad is a critical decision for your child as it is a step towards a better future and life for them. Studying internationally will provide them with world-class education, a global perspective, great employment opportunities and widen up their horizons in all avenues of life. As a parent, it’s important to be a part of their new journey and provide your child with all the support they need. 

What you need to do as a parent

Know what motivates your child. As a parent, be an active part of their decision-making procedure to support them and ensure they make the right calls in life. 

1. Discuss goals openly

Sit down and understand why your child wants to go abroad – whether it is career-driven or personal. It is important to know what exactly your child seeks in life to be able to guide and support them.

2. Stay informed 

Take part in research about the courses they are interested in, universities they have been talking about and the kind of lifestyle they would most thrive in. This research will also include information on course curriculum, campus life and accommodations options available abroad. 

3. Consider your challenges

Reach out to friends and family whose children have gone abroad. Ask them about the challenges you are likely to face and figure out how to deal with them. The thumb rule for this is “be as specific as you can” and ask all your queries. 

5. Know how much you will have to spend

Having an estimate of the costs involved in sending your kids abroad can help you make a better decision. However, it’s not just the tuition fee alone you should be calculating in your budget. Do weigh in other expenses such as accommodation, food, health coverage, communication, and travel as well!

6. Make a detailed plan

Now that you have an overview of what goes into sending your child abroad, plan. Consider all factors including course and university selection, finances, visa, etc.

Once you have decided where your child would study and pursue which course.

7. Health comes first

Ensure to get your child’s general physical examination, dental check-up, and a gynaecological check-up (if applicable). If required, ensure they have all the relevant shots and boosters.

8. Travel safety is crucial

Yes, it’s worrisome to send your child thousands of kilometres away, and that’s why it is important to ensure their travel safety. Ensure your child is insured before they leave and sign up for a safety program. 

You can check more information on your child’s travel safety to understand what’s best for them. 

9. Plan your visits

Once your child has settled abroad, discuss with them and plan your visit abroad. This will help you spend some quality time and also give them that emotional support they need while adjusting in another country. 

10. Keep in touch

It is important to stay connected with your child abroad as settling in a new country can be quite overwhelming. They’ll need both – your emotional support, as well as your guidance before they are settled properly. 

If you still have any concerns and need to be sure about sending your child abroad, schedule a free counselling session to discuss their career path. with us.  

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The UK is globally recognised for its teaching excellence. Let’s find out why.

The United Kingdom (UK) is reputed for its excellent quality of education, interactive teaching methodology, top ranking universities and great student satisfaction. Universities in the UK consistently rank in the world university rankings such as the QS World Rankings, Times Higher Education Ranking, and Academic Ranking of World Universities. Further, degrees earned from the country are globally recognised and preferred by employers all over the world.

Standing at the zenith of research and development, the UK offers students vast scope to build critical and analytical thinking. Here’s why an overview of the education system in the UK.

How does the UK education system work?

The responsibility of education in the UK is delegated to four jurisdictions – England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. All of these regions have different forms of education systems, qualifications and individual laws/regulations. The major differences can be found in general and secondary education resulting in each region having its own credit frameworks and qualifications.

Study levels

The education system in the UK consists of four stages:

  • Primary education
  • Secondary education
  • Further education
  • Higher education

Qualifications framework

A qualification framework is a principal national reference point that maintains academic standards in the higher education sect in any country. Two parallel frameworks run for higher education qualifications of UK degree-awarding bodies:

  • The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of Degree Awarding Bodies in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (FHEQ)
  • The Framework for Qualifications of Higher Education Institutions in Scotland (FQHEIS)

 Around 160 universities and colleges are allowed to award degrees in the UK.

Quality Assurance System

The unique factor of education system in the UK is its Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). It is an independent body that assesses and compares universities and colleges in the country through regular audits and reviews. It also identifies the best education practices and provides feedback for areas of improvement. This ensures that the students have access to the best quality of education.

All review reports are public and can be accessed on the QAA website. However, do note that private institutions are not subjected to assessment by QAA.

Higher education

Higher education in the UK mostly comprises bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees. As an international student, you may also transition to university level studies via pathway programs that generally include English language courses and foundation courses.

Undergraduate courses

Undergraduate courses are designed to help students get exposure to a whole new world after school whilst providing a thorough understanding of a subject of interest. The UK offers a variety of courses in humanities, social science, art, design, business, technology, science and more!

Here’s an overview of the types of undergraduate courses offered in the UK:

Program Duration
Higher National Certificate (HNC) or Diploma (HND) 1 to 2 years
Certificates or Diplomas of Higher Education (Cert HE/Dip HE) 1 to 2 years
Foundation degrees (Fd A/Fd Sc) 6 months to 2 years
Degrees (such as BA, B.Sc, BEng)

3 years in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

4 years in Scotland

Sandwich degrees 4 years with a year in industry
Integrated courses (where masters is awarded as the first degree such as MEng) 4 years


Postgraduate studies

Postgraduate courses are more specific and involve in-depth study. Most master’s degrees have duration of one year, which means you can be back in the workforce faster than your counterparts pursuing masters in other countries. There is a plethora of courses to choose from including niche courses that are highly valued in the industry.

Here’s an overview of the types of postgraduate courses offered in the UK:

Program Duration
Postgraduate certificates and diploma (PG Cert/PG Dip) 9 to 12 months
Taught Masters (such as MA, M.Sc., LLM, MBA, MRes) 1 year
Research Masters (such as MPhil, PhD, DPhil) 2-3 years


Pathway programs

These are preparatory courses for seeking admission into universities through English Language learning programs or foundation-level courses. Pathway programs can help enter university-level studies in the country and help strengthen your language skills as well. These are offered by both universities and private institutions to help students who need extra assistance with English language to gain admission.


Fee structure

Your expenditure on tuition fee in the UK depends on two factors:

  • where you choose to study – different rules and laws apply in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland
  • you study level – bachelors, masters or doctorate


Tuition fee for undergraduate students range from £10,000 a year to about £18,000 a year, depending on the course and institution. Fee for postgraduate courses vary based on the program, course duration and the course provider.

Financial aid

Students who enrol for a course in the UK can get support in the form of scholarships, bursaries, grants, fellowships, and financial awards. These may be funded by the government, public/private organisations, or institutions. Since a lot of students apply to these scholarships, we recommended you apply in advance to beat competition and keep aware of the deadline to apply.

Pedagogy in British classrooms

The UK has a high reputation for its education, which is mostly the reason why so many Indian students come here to pursue higher studies. The best part about studying in the UK is the way education is imparted – it goes beyond textbook learning. You’ll be engaged in various activities such as workshops, seminars, tutorials and conferences at all times.

Teachers will expect you to be interactive in the classroom which will involve regular participation in group discussions, quizzes and debates. You’ll also be required to learn to work independently. If you see, education in the UK will eventually enhance your communication skills and help you build critical thought-process, creativity and analytical skills. This may be a little challenging initially, but you’ll get the hang of it with constant support from your teachers and classmates.

Academic year

The standard academic year in the UK begins around the month of September – October. The deadline for applications for courses commencing in September is generally in the preceding January of that year. Two other intakes available for programs in the UK are January and April, which are usually smaller than the September intake. Pathway programs may have additional dates to offer. Always check for the intakes available for your course of preference.

Popular programs

  • MBA
  • Physiotherapy
  • Law
  • Actuarial Science
  • Sports Management
  • Medicine & Surgery
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering

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